Friday, August 27, 2010

Mark Ronson: Bang Bang Bang

New sounds from Mark Ronson are in!!!!! I think I need to listen to it a couple of times before it gets under my skin.
View video here

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

This is Head

On Thursday Swedish This is Head released a downloadable Adam Lundberg remix of 0011 on their website. This is a tune that is made of dreamers and imagination, and is not a mainstream crowd pleaser. However it is a very beautiful. This is Head's website is full of great gems and remix downloads, and I can especially recommend the sassy dancegroove Kasper Bjorke Remix found here.

Donkeyboy: Sometimes

Have been going absolutely crazy over this 80's tunes this summer. I know I am little late, since the Norwegians went crazy over Donkeyboy a year ago. But better late than never!!! Enjoy!